an error occurred while communicating with the token error code 8-0x00000062

发布时间:2023/10/20 11:59:19 打印 字号:

An error occurred while communicating with the token. Error code:8-0x00000062

an error occurred while communicating with the token error code 8-0x00000062.png

您好,尊敬的Gworg用户,感谢您的联系。该错误是由于令牌过旧/过时造成的。如果使用RSA密钥,新的代码签名证书必须是3072位,而这个错误发生在只支持 2048位的令牌上。 




Hello, Dear Gworm user, thanks for reaching out. This error is caused by an old / outdated token. New code signing certs must be 3072 bits if they use an RSA key, and this error occurs on tokens that only support 2048 bits. 

The solution is to select an ECC key instead of RSA when using the certificate installer.